August 26, 2024
4 minute read
Enhanced onboarding process at Propel: Reflecting partnerships and learning

Tag: Accountable operations

Having a platform where all learnings are documented and come together is one thing, but many people we speak to are concerned about how continuous learning – and Propel as the tool – can be embedded in their team’s practices. They want to know how it can become a habit for their people.

Since the launch of the Propel pilot in early 2023, we have made it a point to learn from Propel users and in response, to refine our onboarding process. These enhancements ensure Propel’s seamless integration into workflows, thereby significantly boosting operational effectiveness.

This use case describes the enhancements made to our approach, informed by an appreciation of the unique challenges and needs inherent to each partner. It outlines what has worked but also discusses our learnings from the challenges faced, and provides a transparent overview of our journey.

Phase 1: Introductory call - Understanding and connecting

The onboarding journey with Propel begins with an introductory call. This initial interaction is crucial for establishing a foundational understanding of each partner's organisational structure, the specific challenges they face with learning, and their broader aspirations.

The goal of this phase is not just to introduce Propel, but to set the stage for a collaborative relationship that is responsive to the partner’s needs.

Key developments:

  • Deep engagement: We have recognised the importance of aligning partner expectations with what they expect Propel to deliver from the outset. This has led us to focus on defining key milestones early, ensuring they are realistic and aligned with the partner’s capacity. In the onboarding call we collaboratively define success.
  • Tailored approach: Early conversations often reveal only the surface-level understanding of the challenges at hand. To address this, we have refined our questioning technique to dig deeper into the underlying issues. This involves asking targeted, open-ended questions that encourage partners to think critically about their needs and challenges. The approach helps in uncovering latent issues that may not be immediately apparent, allowing us to tailor the onboarding and subsequent usage of Propel more effectively.

Learnings and insights
  • Setting clear expectations early is crucial for building trust and establishing successful partnerships.
  • A deep understanding of the partner’s organisational culture and existing processes is essential for customising the implementation of Propel to best suit their specific needs.

Phase 2: Kick-off phase - Aligning visions

This important phase is about establishing a strong foundation for the partnership. During this phase, we collaboratively define the vision for success and establish realistic expectations that will guide the deployment and utilisation of Propel.

This phase is designed to ensure that both parties are in agreement on the objectives and expected outcomes of our collaboration.

Key developments:

  • Organisational Maturity Index: Recognising the diversity in organisational readiness and capacity, we introduced the Organisational Maturity Index. The tool assesses the current maturity level of a partner’s learning practices and operational workflows. It provides us and our partners with a clear picture of where they stand and what needs to be developed or enhanced. Utilising this index, we can better identify opportunities for growth and pinpoint challenges that might hinder successful implementation.
  • Customised planning: With a deeper understanding gained from the Organisational Maturity Index and initial discussions, we proceed to develop a customised learning plan. We take the insights from the kick-off and turn them into the learning plan for Propel which will guide the user’s journey and ensures the user has clearly defined interaction points with Propel. This plan is closely aligned with the partner’s internal dynamics, culture and capabilities. We recognise that each organisation is unique, and our planning must reflect their specific conditions and aspirations. Our tailored approach ensures that the onboarding and subsequent adoption of Propel are seamlessly integrated into the partner's existing processes, enhancing overall effectiveness.

Learnings and insights
  • Aligning visions and expectations early in the partnership ensures a smoother implementation and higher ownership, engagement and satisfaction levels.
  • The Organisational Maturity Index facilitated targeted and effective interventions, ensuring that the services provided are aptly suited to the partner's current state and future growth trajectory.

Phase 3: Onboarding phase - Driving adoption

The Onboarding Phase is crucial as it marks the transition from planning to action. In this stage, partners begin to actively integrate Propel into their daily operations.

Our support continues to be extensively available during this phase, ensuring that the integration is smooth and that the tool begins to add value from the outset.

Key developments:

  • Co-development of learning agenda: We work collaboratively with partners to develop a learning agenda that is truly reflective of their needs and aspirations. This agenda includes specific learning questions that guide the exploration and use of Propel, along with clearly defined activities designed to address these questions. This collaborative approach ensures that partners feel a strong sense of ownership over the process, which is crucial for successful adoption and sustained use.
  • Phased and supported integration: We understand the significant investment in time and resources that partners make during this phase. To support this, we adopt a phased approach to integration. This method involves gradually introducing Propel’s features and capabilities according to a planned schedule, which aligns with the learning agenda and the partner’s capacity to absorb new information. Such staged introduction helps prevent allows partners to build competence and confidence in using the tool effectively.

Learnings and insights
  • Early and frequent engagement is key to understanding and quickly addressing the challenges that partners may encounter during the initial stages of adoption.
  • The phased integration approach not only facilitates a smoother learning curve but also enhances the overall user experience, leading to better adoption rates and more effective use of Propel in achieving organisational goals.

Reflections and impact

Our continuous reflection on the onboarding process is fundamentally guided by Propel's Theory of Change (ToC), which not only shapes our strategic approach but rigorously measures our impact. This deep alignment ensures that every step in our process not only aligns with our goals but actively drives us towards them.

Key developments:

  • Theory of Change integration: The ToC at Propel transcends being merely a strategic framework; it acts as the cornerstone of our operations and a beacon for our learning journey with partners. By embedding it into every facet of our interactions, we ensure that our actions are always aligned with broader goals of transformative learning and organisational enhancement. It enables us to systematically validate the effectiveness of our interventions and collectively track progress with all stakeholders involved.
  • Propel Community of Development: In our efforts to build a sustainable ecosystem of continuous learning and improvement, we have established the Propel Community of Development. This open platform is not just about sharing successes; it's a forum for robust dialogue around the challenges, obstacles and opportunities encountered by our partners. It is here that the real-time feedback influences not only the onboarding process but also Propel’s ongoing development and refinement. This community engagement is pivotal in fostering a culture of shared learning and collective problem-solving, which enhances the overall value of our partnerships.

As we look back on the enhancements made to our onboarding process and the active role of our Theory of Change, we see a pattern of positive transformation. The integration of these elements has not only improved how we engage with new partners but has deepened our existing relationships, making them more impactful. The Propel Community of Development has become a resource for collaborative growth, helping us and our partners to not only anticipate and react to challenges but to innovate proactively.

Notably, our journey does not end with onboarding. The insights and experiences shared within our community and guided by our Theory of Change continue to inform and refine our strategies, ensuring that Propel remains at the forefront of driving efficient, effective, and transformative outcomes in the humanitarian and development sectors. It is through this ongoing process that we reaffirm our commitment – not just to meeting but exceeding the expectations of our partners – and to co-fostering a future where continuous learning and improvement are embedded within the very fabric of organisational practice.