June 27, 2024
2 minute read
Impactful loops of learning from past insights with Terre des Hommes Burundi

Tag: Efficient and Effective Operations

Abstract: In March 2023, Terre des Hommes Burundi embarked on a transformative journey with Propel to overcome its challenges in capturing and leveraging essential project knowledge.The collaboration revolutionised their approach to organisational learning, transforming previous project experiences into actionable insights to propel future success. With all key learnings from the field in one place and the introduction of ‘learning loops’ in enhancing the system together with Propel users, the international NGO is in a strong position to continue to uphold and protect childrens’ rights in the country.

Imagine turning every past project failure and success into a stepping stone for future excellence. Discover how Terre des Hommes Burundi made this a reality with Propel.

The challenge 

Terre des Hommes Burundi had struggled with lost insights and learnings post-project they were not able to build on. These lost learnings hindered strategic planning and innovation in future projects of TdH. Without learning from past insights, the teams were not able to effectively build on what previously worked and avoid what did not work in the past. 

Background: Faced with the challenge of siloed and unutilised project knowledge, Terre des Hommes Burundi partnered with Propel to create a centralised knowledge hub. This initiative was pivotal in evolving their strategic approach to learning and decision-making.

Linking to Propel’s Theory of Change: Terre des Hommes Burundi’s use of Propel exemplifies its commitment to knowledge democratisation and data-driven decision-making, core elements of Propel's Theory of Change aimed at enhancing organisational effectiveness and adaptability.

  • Knowledge democratisation: Propel helped Terre des Hommes Burundi dismantle information silos, providing all staff levels with equal access to project insights. This is facilitated through features like the knowledge map, which promotes broader participation and ensures valuable knowledge is shared organisation-wide.
  • Data-driven decision-making: By systematically capturing and analysing project data, Propel has improved the strategic planning and operational agility of the INGO. Tools like learning loops allow for the integration of real-time insights into projects, supporting adaptive management that can swiftly respond to new challenges.

Stakeholders involved: [Normal body copy text] The initiative involved project managers, field staff and strategic planners at the organisation, all of whom were integral to embedding a proactive learning culture within the organisation.

The solution

  • Introduction of Propel: TdH integrated Propel in its projects to systematically capture and organise project knowledge.
  • Implementation steps: The implementation process was multifaceted, involving the setup of Propel’s knowledge map functionality, comprehensive training for staff on utilising the system, and significant adaptation to project workflows to ensure regular updates and reviews of knowledge. This allowed for a more structured and accessible repository of project insights, facilitating easier retrieval and application of information.

Impact and results

  • Successes: The use of Propel has noticeably enhanced project transparency and facilitated the strategic application of historical data in drafting new proposals. This has led to more informed decision-making and improved project outcomes.
  • Visuals: The platform's knowledge map feature played a pivotal role in this process, allowing for the visualisation of the entire learning agenda. This tool not only displays connections between different pieces of information but ensures that all knowledge is accessible in one central place for all staff. This accessibility supports a unified understanding and facilitates informed decision-making across the organisation.

Challenges and adaptations

  • Challenges encountered: Initial resistance to the adoption of new technology and modifications in knowledge management practices emerged, primarily due to hesitation from team members who were at that point unfamiliar with digital solutions.
  • Adaptations implemented: Customised training and iterative feedback mechanisms were put in place to ensure smooth adoption of the technology platform and to meet user needs effectively.

Learning and innovation

  • Lessons learned: The project underscored the critical importance of user-friendly technology and continuous staff training in the successful adoption of new systems. These elements are vital for ensuring that technology serves its intended purpose and enhances, rather than complicates, workflow.
  • Innovative practices: Propel's 'learning loops' are a feature that enables continuous integration of insights into project cycles at Terre des Hommes Burundi. These loops facilitate real-time feedback and adaptation, allowing project teams to immediately apply lessons learned and refine strategies accordingly. Learning loops operate by capturing ongoing project data, which is analysed to generate actionable feedback. This continuous loop enhances decision-making and project responsiveness, directly aligning with the core goals of improving project outcomes and operational efficiency.

Scalability and next steps

  • Scalability potential: The use of Propel at Terre des Hommes Burundi serves as a replicable model for other organisations within the network, demonstrating significant potential for broader application.
  • Call to action: The rallying call to action is a voice that encourages other organisations to explore centralised knowledge management systems to enhance their learning and strategic planning.


  • Achievements summary: Terre des Hommes Burundi has established a new benchmark in leveraging past learnings for future project excellence and strategic decision-making.
  • Reflective insight: This learning journey highlights the transformative power of integrating targeted technological solutions like Propel and the need for ongoing evolution of such a platform in collaboration with users. 
  • Future vision: With the ongoing integration of Propel, the humanitarian team looks to a future where every project insight loops back to enrich organisational knowledge and in field success.